How do you eat #ONappleAday?
This contest has expired
Eating an apple a day? Make it ON apple a day!
Ontario Apple Growers are celebrating fresh Ontario apples all year long by encouraging consumers to look for the Foodland logo and share with us on Instagram how they eat #ONappleAday for a chance to WIN one of nine $50 Ontario Apples prize packages.
The #ONAppleADay Photo Contest opens October 3rd, 2016 and closes on June 30, 2017. There will be nine (9) monthly prizes, one prize winner for each month (October through June).
How to Enter:
- Upload a photo to your public Instagram account showing us how you enjoy ON apple a day;
- Tag @OntarioApples and;
- Include #ONappleAday in your caption
- Make sure you’re following @OntarioApples
For full rules and regulations, click HERE.
Each month a NEW winner will be picked by Ontario Apple Growers and the winning photo will be featured on the @OntarioApples Instagram account.
Need some ideas to get you started?
- A trip to the orchard
- A beautiful Ontario apple fruit bowl in the kitchen
- A toothless toddler nibbling on afternoon snack
- A pie fresh from the oven
- Fresh apple slices in your salad or on your sandwich
- And more!
Monthly contest dates are as follows:
- October 3-31, 2016 – Winner Announced November 4th, 2016
- November 1-30, 2016 – Winner Announced December 5th, 2016
- December 1-31, 2016 – Winner Announced January 6th, 2017
- January 1-31, 2017 – Winner Announced February 3rd, 2017
- February 1-28, 2017 – Winner Announced March 3rd, 2017
- March 1-31, 2017 – Winner Announced April 5th, 2017
- April 1-30, 2017 – Winner Announced May 5th, 2017
- May 1-31, 2017 – Winner Announced June 5th, 2017
- June 1-30, 2017 – Winner Announced July 7th, 2017