
Apple Facts

Fact sheets

The Real Dirt on Farming - please click HERE

Environmental Fact Sheet - please click HERE

Apple facts

Apples have existed as a wild fruit since prehistoric times and have been cultivated for more than 3,000 years. The ancient Greeks, Etruscans, Romans and Egyptians were among early cultivators.

During the California Gold Rush, apples sometimes fetched more than $100 a bushel because of their versatility, durability and capacity to be preserved by drying.

The apple tree now grows in thousands of varieties in almost every corner of the globe — from Japan to Madagascar to South Africa, New Zealand, Russia, China, England, France and across much of North America.



  • It takes four apples to make a glass of pure apple juice.
  • Three medium apples equal about 1 lb. (500 g).
  • One medium apple yields about 1/4 cup (175 mL) of sliced apples.

Apple stats

The Ontario Apple Growers (OAG) represent Ontario apple farmers with 10 acres of orchard or more and in 2020, have approximately 225 members.

There are 15 different main varieties of apples are grown on nearly 16,000 acres in Ontario. The province’s major apple-producing areas are along the shores of Lake Ontario, Lake Erie, Lake Huron and Georgian Bay.

The farm gate value of the Ontario apple crop is approx. $120 million, which includes sales to fresh and processing markets and on-farm/pick-your-own.

The top five varieties in Ontario (based on acreage planted) are Gala, Honeycrisp, Ambrosia, McIntosh, and Red Delicious.

For other apple industry statistics, please visit:

Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food and Ministry of Rural Affairs - HERE

Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada - HERE


Roasted Ontario Apple and Sweet Potato Soup with Spiced Walnut

Roasted Ontario Apple and Sweet Potato Soup with Spiced Walnut Makes 12 servings.

Baking with Ontario Apples Booklet

Baking with Ontario Apples Booklet

Apple & Fennel Slaw

Apple & Fennel Slaw serves 4

Apple & Blue Cheese Tarts

Apple & Blue Cheese Tarts

Apple Plum Crisp

Apple Plum Crisp Makes 6 servings.