Air Fryer Apples

A snack is always complete with a crunchy and sweet apple treat! This simple apple recipe is pumped with extra protein for extra fullness between meals.

Serves 2

Chef Tip: Recipe developed by Nicole Osinga, RD

Variety Tip: Ambrosia was used in this recipe, but your favourite Ontario baking apple will work


2 Ontario Ambrosia Apples
1.5 Tbsp Avocado Oil
1 Tsp Cinnamon
1 Tbsp Maple Syrup
1 Tbsp Almond Flour and/or Rolled Oats


  1. Preheat the air fryer on 350F.
  2. Cut apples in half through the stem and use a knife or a spoon to remove the core, stem and seeds.  Brush a tsp of avocado oil evenly over the cut sides of the apples, then sprinkle over ½ tsp of cinnamon.
  3. Mix remaining ingredients together in a small bowl, then spoon on top of the apple halves evenly.  
  4. Place the apple halves carefully into the air fryer basket, then cook for 15 minutes or until softened.